Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cupcake lovin

At the request of a friend, I'm going to post the yummy cupcakes that Mom and I made today! 

What we did was get a yellow cake mix and make it according to the instructions. Instead of water, however, we used orange juice with lots of pulp. Then, before we baked them, we added a Hershey kiss in the middle. After they came out, we frosted them with some chocolate frosting. Here's what the final product looked like:

They tasted pretty good, however I wish we had a little more orange to add to the batter. The orange was more of an aftertaste rather than the flavor of the cupcake. If I didn't know that there was orange juice in it, I really wouldn't have guessed just by tasting it. Also, the Hershey kiss may have been a little too heavy for the cupcake because it sunk to the bottom during the baking process. I picked it up and this happened:

Overall, they were quite yummy!! (Also, I have no idea why my hand looks purple in that last picture!)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Job hunting

Just in case anyone was wondering, job hunting sucks! I've submitted so many applications and resumes that I've lost count! I've gotten a few interviews, but nothing has worked out so far. I'm hopeful that something good is just around the corner. 

While I've been unemployed, I've learned how to be sure that I'm not buying things frivolously and that a coupon always helps. But the most important thing I've learned is how amazing my parents are. I've always known that they had my back, but during this time I've realized just how amazing they are. I've not had to go without or feel many negative impacts of living without income. I couldn't imagine how different this time in my life would be if it weren't for them and their constant support. I love them dearly and sincerely hope that one day I can repay them for the kindness and support they've given me. 

If you see these two on the street, high five them and tell them that they're awesome, because they are. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Watergeddon Aquapocalypse 2014

So we're on day 3 of no water and I must say, all I want is a nice and hot shower in my own shower. Other than that, my family is doing well. We always keep a supply of water on hand, so fortunately we haven't been having to fight for bottles of water or wait in horrendous lines for filling stations. I'm very thankful for that! 

Hopefully this whole thing gets resolved soon! I'm very impressed with how well everyone has come together. Sure, you have the people who are screaming that they want to sue the company who spilled it, but overall people are looking out for each other. I'm very proud to be part of a culture where looking out for your neighbor is something you don't think twice about. Way to go WV!

Stay clean and don't drink the water!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Im going to rant for a moment. If you don't want to read, please move on. Here we go. 

Dogs. They're man's best friend, they help combat depression and are just overall awesome. They are also living and breathing creatures capable of feelings such as love, loyalty and fear. They have needs that need to be cared for and rely on their owners to provide for them and give them the care that they deserve. They are wonderful creatures from God. That being said, being a dog owner is a big responsibility. Your dog is relying on you to make sure that they receive food, water, shelter and love. Not only that, but they crave the training that bonds the two of you and let's them know that they're part of a pack. They also need to be groomed and kept safe. 

If you do not have the time for a dog, please don't get one. If you think that because they have fur, they don't need to be inside on cold days, please don't get one. If you are an overall heartless and compassionless person, please, for the love of all that is good and holy, DO NOT GET A DOG. 

End rant. 

Stay warm everyone!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday Smiles!

Thanks to my friend, Jennifer over at I'm going to post 5 things that made me smile this week. If you like this idea, you should definitely check out her blog! I've read it for years and I love it!

1. Christian -- he's growing up so quickly and he's getting funnier by the minute! 

2. I got to have lunch with my BFF Annie! We live a little over an hour apart and I hardly ever get to see her. 

3. My favorite (and only) niece, Harper, is about to turn 1 (holy crap!) and I got her birthday gift today. I hope she likes it!

4. I dried my hair today and it did what it was supposed to on its own. It's a little victory!

5. I got to watch 3 hours worth of The Golden Girls yesterday! I love that show and it just makes me feel all warm and good on the inside!

I hope you take the time to focus on what makes you smile! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Snow day

Let me just put it out there for all the world to see: I hate snow. Snow is a 4-letter bad word. There, I said it. Judge away. 

Some people think that this is pretty and nice, I think it's a slippery mess. Yuck! The only good thing about snow days is binge watching on Netflix. Thank goodness Dominos delivers!!

Stay warm and be careful!!