Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday Smiles!

Thanks to my friend, Jennifer over at I'm going to post 5 things that made me smile this week. If you like this idea, you should definitely check out her blog! I've read it for years and I love it!

1. Christian -- he's growing up so quickly and he's getting funnier by the minute! 

2. I got to have lunch with my BFF Annie! We live a little over an hour apart and I hardly ever get to see her. 

3. My favorite (and only) niece, Harper, is about to turn 1 (holy crap!) and I got her birthday gift today. I hope she likes it!

4. I dried my hair today and it did what it was supposed to on its own. It's a little victory!

5. I got to watch 3 hours worth of The Golden Girls yesterday! I love that show and it just makes me feel all warm and good on the inside!

I hope you take the time to focus on what makes you smile! 

1 comment:

  1. It makes ME smile that YOU have a blog!!! yaaay!
    Can I add you to my "favorites" list on my blog?? :) :) :)
